Cover Reveal: Cruise Control

Remember a few weeks ago when I had a collection of random pictures that were connected to my then-current WIP? Well, that story will be part of Totally Bound’s forthcoming Sensory Limits BDSM sensation play anthology. Cruise Control tells what happens when a couple decide to play out their kinky Dom/sub fantasies while on a cruise holiday, and here’s the very lovely cover for the story.


More details on the story, and the anthology as a whole, to come…

Borghild – Automaton or Nazi Sex Doll?: Guest Post By S. Nano

Mistress Of The Air is a comic, Steampunk, erotic adventure. Edwardian dominatrix, Lady Sally Rudston-Chichester, travels across the Empires of Europe in her airship, The Corseted Domme. Lady Sally takes an array of electric and steam-powered sex toys on her adventures with her.

One of the dastardly devices is Borghild – a gleaming, brass automaton with rubber lips and vagina. She’s a sex-doll used by Lady Sally to torment the submissive gentlemen on her airship adventure.

She’s not the only sex toy to have this name, though. Whilst researching for Mistress Of The Air, I stumbled across a story about a toy designed to satisfy the sexual needs of Nazi army officers. This sex-doll was called Borghild. I’m afraid I couldn’t resist the temptation of giving Lady Sally’s automaton the same name!

The background to this is a scheme inspired by Heinrich Himmler in 1940 called the Borghild project. Apparently, there was huge concern about an epidemic of syphilis amongst the German troops. It seems the greatest danger to them was the widespread presence of whores in the brothels of Paris.

The project involved distributing inflatable sex dolls to the troops. These could be transported in back-packs and produced whenever relief was needed so the troops wouldn’t visit Paris prostitutes. Adolf Hitler allegedly approved the project. Naturally, the doll had appropriately Aryan features and blonde hair.

The sex-doll was supposedly distributed to some officers but the project was cancelled because the soldiers refused to carry the doll in fear of embarrassment if they were captured and found with one.

It’s a fantastic story, isn’t it? Unfortunately, it’s urban myth, fake news or lies (whatever the current usage is in these post-Trump days). There’s stuff on the internet that reports this story as fact but there is no evidence for it other than a couple of photographs of said sex-doll believed to have been produced long after the 1940s. A shame, I know, but it’s almost certainly a hoax.

Still, it’s a great story. Now the name Borghild lives on in the guise of Lady Sally’s brass sex toy! She collects the automaton from the von Siemen manufactory in Germany on the first stop of her travels.

Be warned. There will be wild escapades, kinky BDSM, dastardly devices, explosions and nice cups of tea.

Book Blurb

Mistress of the Air is a Comic, Steampunk, Erotic Adventure.

Lady Sally Rudston-Chichester owns a brass mine in Zanzibar, a Lapsang Souchong tea plantation in China, a rubber tree farm in Malaysia, trunk loads of corsetry, and the country’s largest collection of antique whips and floggers.

Larger than life, and itching to find new and inventive ways to punish her submissive gentlemen, the Edwardian dominatrix has a vision. Embracing the spirit of the new age of aviation, she embarks on a series of adventures on her own airship, The Corseted Domme, with her transvestite maid, Victoria, her airship pilot, Captain Wyndham, and her automaton sex toy, Borghild.

A select group of submissive gentlemen, consisting of a duke, bishop, lawyer and banker, is invited to join Lady Sally so she can try out her new dastardly devices and sex toys on them. She whips, spanks and punishes her way across the Empires of Europe, dropping off to visit her aristocratic relatives and friends for afternoon tea.

But Lady Sally’s journey is not uneventful. War is threatening to break out and the Ministry of Aviation want to commandeer her airship for the war effort. And when The Corseted Domme has a crash landing, Lady Sally realises there is a stowaway on board intent on sabotaging her airship.

There will be wild escapades, kinky BDSM, dastardly devices, explosions and nice cups of tea.

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Borghild’s movements were a tad mechanical, which was only to be expected. Indeed, she marched in a military style goose-step, which contributed strangely to her kinkiness.

Lady Sally asked Victoria to summon the captain to the playroom, on the grounds he would be fascinated by the technological advances manifested in her new automaton.

Her slaves gazed upon the pair in awe at the gleaming, scarlet rubber in matching outfits. Lady Sally’s elegant and shapely legs were on full show in the short dress alongside the shiny, brass ones of the automaton.

Lady Sally proceeded to introduce her, “This is Borghild. She has been especially designed for me by Ernst von Siemen, the renowned automation manufacturer. I made the diversion into the industrial wastelands of the Ruhr to pick her up from the manufactory. She will be my accomplice in punishment for the rest of my travels and has been designed specifically with my needs for sadistic domination in mind. I expect she will play a full part in assisting me. Remember, though, there will be no point pleading for mercy from her, as she’ll take no notice. This will mean more fun for me and double the pain for you!”

The springs and sockets behind Borghild’s eyes clicked and whirred, swivelling her sockets from side to side with a gaze of disconcerting perspicacity as her photographic cells took recognition of the images of the four men.

Captain Wyndham made an appearance before this announcement.

“Ah, there you are captain. I trust things are quiet in the control room.”

“For a change, madam, yes.”

“I hope my adventures are not too exacting for you, captain?”

“No, not at all Lady Sally; it was intended as a compliment not a complaint.”

“Excellent. There’s no point asking the opinion of this bunch of miscreants: bankers don’t know about anything useful, bishops have no appreciation for technological achievements, judges are hopeless, except for contesting an argument…”

“I say, that’s unfair,” interrupted the judge, “I believe I can make a strong case for arguing for the intellectual capacity of a judge. The evidence is very strong…”

Lady Sally gave him a withering stare.

“And as for dukes, well they are useless.”

“Fair comment mistress,” acknowledged the duke with a nod of his foppish lock of hair.

“But I know you, captain, will appreciate the technological marvel of Borghild.”

Captain Wyndham inspected the automaton with considered curiosity. He looked into her eyes to examine the photographic cells, he examined the construction of her joints, and studied the control panel that operated the automaton.

“Truly remarkable,” Lady Sally. “She’s a work of art. I’ve worked with Clarissa and she’s marvellous, but the quality of the brass moulding and engineering of the limbs are more sophisticated in this model. And her eyes… it’s as if she’s alive. Can she talk? Has Herr Siemen mastered that technology?”

“No, regrettably not captain, though that’s just as well. I couldn’t put up with anyone who contradicts me, not even an automaton.”

“No, indeed not, I can see that,” the captain concurred.

“You must stay and watch her in action. Right, let’s get to work. I doubt if Borghild is ready to master knots and buckles yet but, if she observes me closely, she will learn.”

Lady Sally set to work putting her submissive gentlemen into bondage. She mentally divided the protagonists into those who would receive pain, and those who would receive pleasure. The bishop and judge were chosen for the former, strapped face forward onto the wall boards with their arses exposed, the latter selected for interrupting her earlier. The banker and duke were tied on their backs, the former on the bench, the latter on the rack. It was important Borghild learn the essentials of delivering corporal punishment first.

Lady Sally selected two identical floggers, each with a piece of leather in the shape of the ace of spades at its end. She placed one in the hand of the automation. Her photographic eye cells registered how Lady Sally gripped it, and mimicked her by wrapping her brass knuckles around the black, leather handle.

Lady Sally set about flogging the bishop with the implement, leaving the judge to Borghild. The automaton’s mechanical eyes swivelled around to watch Lady Sally deliver a dozen or so strokes to the bishop’s backside, starting gently but blossoming into a crescendo of ferocity. Borghild recorded the behaviour in the photographic cells, goose-stepped over to the judge and began to flog him. Her actions were staccato as she could not mimic the graceful, fluid movements of Lady Sally; after all she was an automaton. Nonetheless, Lady Sally was most satisfied with the results. Being an automaton, her actions were hard and unforgiving. Borghild soon had the judge whooping in pain.

Lady Sally went through several implements, a whip, a leather strap, a wooden paddle and a cane so the automaton gained experience of handling different objects. Whether she could ever develop the instinctive affinity with them a skilful and experienced dominatrix like Lady Sally had was doubtful; sadistic punishment was an art form in which she excelled. Nevertheless, the results were evident in the glowing, red backside of the judge.

About the author

S. Nano is an author of erotic stories with dark and exotic content in fantasy, paranormal or historical settings, often drawing on the themes of female supremacy, BDSM and fetish but with a seam of quirky humour running through them as well.

His first full-length erotic novel, Adventures in Fetishland, a BDSM/fetish re-invention of Alice in Wonderland, was published by Xcite Books. His short stories and novellas have been published by Xcite Books, House of Erotica, Forbidden Fiction, Coming Together and Greenwoman Publishing.

His second novel, Mistress Of The Air was published by eXcessica on 21st April 2017.

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Rule 34 Is Out!

Ever heard of Rule 34? Unless you’re familiar with some of the shadier haunts of the internet, the term may be unfamiliar to you. The original ‘rule’ is ‘If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions’ – a principle which will be proved right whenever you turn off ‘safe search’ while browsing. For the newest Sexy Little Pages anthology, which is on full release today, editor Zak Jane Keir has twisted the rule slightly. In this collection, there’s a kinky version of anything you can imagine, and the authors of the story here have had some fun with the concept. If you never believed anyone could get turned by skeletons, photocopiers or tripe – yes, tripe – prepare to be amazed.

My own contribution to the anthology is Tell Me If It Hurts, inspired by letters we used to receive on Forum magazine from readers who were into ‘dentism’. In this story, a very submissive patient is drilled and thrilled by a sadistic domme of a dentist, and loves every minute of it.

You can read more in Rule 34, which also features stories by a talented line-up of authors including Lisabet Sarai, Charlie Powell, VK Foxe, Dylan McEwan and Zak herself. It’s available from Amazon UK and Amazon US, and you can find out more about the people behind the book at the Sexy Little Authors Rule 34 page.